Upcoming Events: May 28 & Aug 27, 2015
Live Product Demos on May 28
Because your perfect job exists.Swisscom Vidia
The virtual meeting room with more freedomCrowd App
The personal assistant for your social timeVELOBAR
The party on a bike that gets you fit fast!ProfitApp by Postfinance
Simply earn points and benefit.Call for Products
We are looking for innovative products and services Made in Switzerland that like to present themselves on our upcoming meetups in Zurich on May 28, or Aug 27, 2015. Talks / demos will be 15 mins (10min + 5min Q+A) and will be held in English. On every meetup a voting will be held, with the winner beeing awarded with a special “Product Hunt Zurich Winner” badge.
Location: Colab Zurich
Hosted by
Roger Basler
Founder, @gustavundpaul
Stefan Vetter
Founder, @Wortspiel
Our sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Co Sponsor
Location, Food & Drinks Sponsors
Organisational Sponsors
Gustav&Paul eCommerce Agentur
Digital Marketing AgenturWortspiel Marketing
Google AdWords, Social Media & WordPressBecome a sponsor
Past Meetups
Questions? Tweet to @ProductHuntCH or send an e-mail to zurich@producthunt.ch.